Lunchtime Halo Highlights: 2007-11-05

Game 1: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Epitaph

cazador requested all hammers. cenotaph was not amused.

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Bank Shot

cazador kills Xor1an. His body rebounds off a column and lands on the platform above.

"Who taped the 'stick me' sign to my back?"

While cenotaph is looking the other way, Xor1an hits him with a spike grenade.

"I'll race you down!"

cazador hammers cenotaph over the edge. Unfortunately, he also knocks himself off. They plummet to their death together.

I'm glad I'm not in there

Spike grenade shrapnel ricochets around inside a bubble shield. (It actually destroyed the bubble shield projector just after this.)

Didn't see it coming

Doobie jumps down from above and assassinates Xor1an.

Assembly Line

Doobie, cazador, and Xor1an helpfully line up for cenotaph, giving him a triple kill.

Game 2: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Guardian

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Elimiante the competition

Xor1an assassinates cenotaph (who would have hammered him if he had seem him), gets a lucky kill on a weakened cazador, and finishes off Doobie with the AR and a meele.

Xor1an follows Doobie down to the lowere level and hands cenotaph an easy assassination.

Good idea, bad idea

Xor1an tries to kill cazador with the needler, but he gets too close for it to be effective and cazador hammers him.

Hug of Doom

cazador sticks Xor1an in one shot and Doobie in another, but both times he stays close and gets caught in the blast.

I see why he likes it

cenotaph demonstrates the proper technique for using the brute shot, with a little assistance from Xor1an.

Game 3: Shotgun Crazy King on Narrows

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Xor1an kills cenotaph to take the hill and dimitrios l to keep it, scoring a double kill.

Let me know when you guys are done

cenotaph wisely lets everyone else fight over the hill and then comes in to finish off the survivor (Xor1an).

Game 4: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Epitaph

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Lines of Fire

Xor1an gets a head shot on cenotaph, and dimitrios l gets an assist for helping to take his shields down. At the same moment, cazador shoots Xor1an in the back. cenotaph's frag grenade is about to set off a fusion coil that will kill cazador. dimitrios l is left all alone.

Extreme Accupuncture

Xor1an jumps down from above and sticks cazador on the back of his neck with a spike grenade.

That looks like a good place for a grenade...

cenotaph spots Xor1an and dimitrios l fighting. He decides to break it up with a frag grenade.

Xor1an kills cenotaph and takes his shotgun, then proceeds to use it on dimitrios l and cazador.

Did I mention that I like spike grenades?

Xor1an sticks cazador in the face with a spike grenade.

Game 5: Rockets (Slayer) on The Pit

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Do not break the chain!

Just as Doobie sends rockets to dimitrios l, Xoran sends rockets to Doobie.

Lucky grenade

Xor1an fails to get dimitrios l with his rockets, so he throws a grenade. dimitrios l backs right up into it.

Xor1an tries to get dimitrios l with a rocket as he comes up the lift, then finishes him off with a meele.

Game 6: Slayer on Snowbound

We switched the weapons to all needlers at cazador's suggestion.

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Taking one for the team

Xor1an eliminates the ghost by driving it outside the playfield.

I'm Xor1an on XBL/
Last modified: Tue Feb 5 09:03:47 EST 2008