Lunchtime Halo Highlights: 2008-01-28

We only had one Xbox today, so we had just 4 players per game.

Game 1: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on The Pit

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"He's ... a ... Vampire!"

cazador is clearly visible, yet has no reflection in Xor1an's visor which shows a reflection of the wall behind him. (I'm just guessing here, but the reflection maps used for the visors are probably pre-computed from an empty map.)

"Take my hand and step into the light."

Xor1an pictured against an explosion from cazador's brute shot.

cazador takes the lift and Xor1an sticks him mid-flight.

Engage improbability drive

FDragon dies and drops a shotgun which lands standing vertically.

FDragon throws a plasma grenade at Xor1an, but Xor1an's frag grenade changes it trajectory. (FDragon still managed to kill Xor1an.)

Game 2: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Valhicular (Valhalla)

We used a forged map variant I made specifically for FFA slayer with vehicales. We removed the restriction our Handicap Leader game type normally has of preventing the leader from using vehicles.

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Leaping into battle, Xor1an prepares to draw his katana.

(No, really it's just his dead body flailing as it flies through the air.)

Banshee fight!

FDragon and Xor1an. (There was a lot of this during this game. As a result, I decided to go back and reduce the number of banshees on the map from 4 to 2.)

FDragon hammer's Xor1an's banshee while cazador shoots at it with his chopper. (cazador got the kill.)

Scooter makes use of one of the turrets placed on one of the bases. Xor1an and FDragon work together in banshees to take out Scooter.

"My chopper-fu is greater than yours"

FDragon splatters cazador.

On two different occasions, FDragon hammers Xor1an out of his ghost. (He spent a while using the hammer during this game.)

The mystery of the melting banshee.

Can you guess how I got this picture?

FDragon begins to board Xor1an's banshee... and then stops. (I'm not exactly sure how this happened.)

FDragon kills cazador and destroys his chopper with a rocket. One of the wheels flies out and kills him, earning him a suicide.

Game 3: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Guardian

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Threading the needle.

FDragon beats down Scooter, and his body goes flying up and through a small hole in the structure.

Purple and red confetti for the victor.

cazador dispatches FDragon and Xor1an.

Xor1an and Scooter fire at cazador (with the carbine and needler, respectively).

There's a storm brewing.

Cloud from a frag grenade and lightning from a plasma grenade (from cazador and FDragon respectively). (Though not visible in this shot, cazador was stuck by the plasma grenade earning FDragon a kill.)

cazador deploys a bubble shield. Scooter enters it and cazador meles him twice for a kill.

Game 4: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on The Pit

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That's a lot of explosions

Two fusion coils, one frag grenade, and one plasma grenade. (cazador got the kill on Xor1an.)

Sniper vs. sniper

FDragon and Scooter aim sniper rifles at each other. FDragon beats Scooter to the shot.

cazador finds FDragon retrieving the energy sword in the command center. Amazingly, he prevails with just his assault rifle, earning a bulltrue medal.

I'm Xor1an on XBL/
Last modified: Fri Feb 15 11:54:03 EST 2008
Lunchtime Halo Highlights was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo 3, (c) Microsoft Corporation.