Lunchtime Halo Highlights: 2008-03-10

Game 1: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Guardian

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cenotaph tries to needle Xor1an as he descends, and Xor1an sticks him with a plasma grenade.

Xor1an grabs the active camo and goes in for the mauler-meele combo. Lucky for him, Scooter and cazador had weakened each other. He gets Scooter with the mauler and cazador with the meele for a double kill.

FDragon kills Xor1an and takes his mauler. When Xor1an re-spawns, FDragon gives it back to him, bullet first.

Why did FDragon fall here? It seems that his landing after taking the lift was off. Xor1an threw a frag grenade at him, but that doesn't seem to have caused the fall. (It did get Xor1an kill credit though.)

cenotaph hammers Xor1an a good distance. His body leaves one walkway, lands one another one, and then falls off.

Scooter snipes Xor1an just as he gets in the yellow lift. (His body and everything he was carrying land on the upper level.)

Game 2: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on The Pit

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Needler vs. needler

Scooter was quicker on the draw and Xor1an goes down.

Xor1an shoots cenotaph with the shotgun and then sticks him in the face with a plasma grenade.

Xor1an, who has the leader nav point but also active camo, lets cenotaph get close and shoots him with the mauler and then sticks him in the face with a plasma grenade. (cenotaph kills Xor1an before the grenade goes off.)

"It sure is a good thing I ducked back here to get away from those needles."

cenotaph gets an assassination on Scooter.

Too slow

Xor1an shoots cenotaph with his shotgun, but not before cenotaph gets off a rocket.

cenotaph fires a rocket at FDragon, but didn't realize his over-shield was still charging. FDragon takes no damage and dispatches cenotaph..

FDragon almost gets cenotaph with a rocket and a pair of fusion coils. He gives chase and gets him with the second rocket. (Not all the amazing for game-play, but I liked the way cenotaph spun around to look and then turned back, and I had some fun with switching the camera between the third-person view for the two players.)

That leader handicap sure makes it hard to kill with meeles. Xor1an thought he was going to get an assassination, but three meeles later Scooter is still alive and kills Xor1an instead. (I guess he didn't want to be the game-ending kill.)

Game 3: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Snowbound

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Onward crystal soldiers.

cenotaph pictured with Xor1an's needles in his face. (Xor1an died before he fired enough.)

Narrow escape

Xor1an ducks behind a rock to avoid FDragon's laser.

Xor1an uses the brute shot to flip Scooter out of his ghost.

FDragon kills cenotaph with the beam rifle

Xor1an was not expecting a ghost from that direction. cazador gets a splatter.

Scooter decides the plasma battery needs a beating and teaches it a lesson it won't soon forget.

The end of the game: Xor1n sticks cazador (for the win), Scooter kills Xor1an before the grenade goes off, FDragon tries to get in on the fun with the laser.

Game 4: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Construct

We changed the starting weapons for this game:

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At the beginning of the game, Zolimox spawned by the laser which he picked up. He fired it at the first person he saw. cenotaph escapes Zolimox's laser, but at what cost?

"Watch me limbo under this thing"

Zolimox was waiting with his sniper rifle when Xor1an came up the lift

Xor1an, safe inside a bubble shield, watches cenotaph fire his brute shot

Scooter sticks Zolimox at a good distance. (I think the nav point deserves an assist.)

FDragon was chasing Zolimox with the energy sword. Zolimox got a high-angle head-shot as FDragon descended.

Zolimox kills Scooter with the explosive box at the bottom of the lift. Before he died, Scooter threw a frag grenade which kills Zolimox.

Flame-thrower (Zolimox) vs. Spartan Laser (cenotaph)

Geometry of pain

Scooter kills cazador while Zolimox and cenotaph attempt to snipe him.

Game 5: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on High Ground

We added the battle rifle as the secondary weapon for this game.

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Xor1an stuck Zolimox with a spike grenade. Zolimox fires one last round from his brute shot just as the spike grenade goes off. He kills Xor1an with it.

Scooter very nearly splatters Xor1an, but the rocket cenotaph fired seems to have disrupted the motion of the ghost in a way that prevented the splatter.

"Which achievement unlocks that helmet?"

FDragon sticks Xor1an on top of his head with a pike grenade.

FDragon fires his laser at Zolimox two times. The first time Zolimox escaped death by jumping. The second time FDragon gets the kill.

Scooter kills Xor1an (with the assault rifle), Xor1an kills Scooter (battle rifle and a frag grenade for a "from the grave" medal), and cenotaph kills Zolimox (with the assault rifle).

FDragon leaps over the ghost Zolimox is driving and sticks it on the side with a spike grenade.

Final moment of the game: Xor1an vs. Scooter outside the bunker, Zolimox fights cenotaph with cazador coming in to kill cenotaph (for the win), FDragon looks on from above and prepares to lase.

I'm Xor1an on XBL/
Last modified: Sun Mar 16 23:46:19 EDT 2008
Lunchtime Halo Highlights was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo 3, (c) Microsoft Corporation.