Lunchtime Halo Highlights: 2008-05-05

The player known as "BOB" on this day played as "donut" on 2008-04-21. (He needs a real handle.)

This week, Zolimox decided to do some capturing, sending me films clips and screenshots through his file share.

Game 1: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Blackout

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cenotaph kills cazador by firing at the fusion coils near him.


Zolimox executes a perfect overcharged plasma pistol/battle rifle combo on Scooter.


"When you can snatch the plasma grenade from my hand, it will be time for you to leave"

Xor1an offer Doobie a gift.


Scott robbed

There's a big battle going on, and Scooter keeps tossing grenades and firing into it but holding back from getting too close. Then he gets hit with a power drainer and two frag grenades.



Xor1an sticks Scooter as he's coming across the middle area.


Save ammo

cenotaph takes out Zolimox and then beats down Xor1an.


Field goal

A grenade and a fusion coil kills Xor1an and sends him on a high-flying arc.


Lil' Nudge

Xor1an wounds cazador with a meele, and also pushes him over the edge.


ty ralph


caz n xor luv

Game 2: Scott's Race (VIP) on Avalanche

This requires some explaining. Scooter created this wonderfully horrible race variant in Halo 1. Everyone had sniper rifles and nobody had shields. It was particularly brutal on Sidewinder where everyone was hoofing it to the same waypoint and getting shot in the back before they could get there, only to respawn behind the person that killed them thus perpetuating the cycle. Also there were tanks and infinite grenades for some reason.

This was my attempt to re-create it in Halo 3 as best I could involving both a custom game type and some Forgery. We ended the game early, so I don't have high hopes for this game coming back again.

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Scooter gets Xor1an with the Scorpion's main gun.

Scooter drives his Scorpion off the cliff edge (which he clearly didn't realize was there), but not before getting off a shot that takes out the Wraith he was fleeing (driven by Zolimox).

Back of the head shot

Scooter sniping cenotaph.

Zolimox snipes FDragon off the back of BOB's Wraith.

Game 3: Crazy King on The Pit

Some people in our little group like Hill games. Others are vehemently opposed to them. I won't say we exactly got agreement to this, but we went ahead with a hill game anyway.

Changes for this game:

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I wish every game started like this

Xor1an spawned with a rocket launcher. That gets him a triple kill as he enters the hill (Zolimox and cenotaph with the first rocket, cazador with the second). He beats down FDragon to make it an overkill. He grabs a dropped weapon to swap for his assault rifle and gets another double kill (Scooter and doobie).


(Play games involving lasers with FDragon, and you can have this nightmare too.)

FDragon charging his laser viewed through frag grenade smoke.



cazador hammers Doobie.


2 aallee ups


Sneaky sneaky

Zolimox takes the hill. cenotaph tries to sneak up on him with active camo, but Zolimox has his mauler at the ready.


Circle O Upcut

cenotaph kills Scooter, thinking he has taken the hill. Xor1an sneaks up on him with active camo and beats him down.


needle ralph


purple diaper


blue dragon


blue dragon 2





Game 4: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on The Pit

We essentially turned this into "Shotty Snipers", specifically:

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I'm actually disappointed

Xor1an thought Scooter had shot him through the small gap in his cover. The cover had protected Xor1an from Scooter, but not from FDragon.

Thank you nav point

FDragon spots Xor1an and uses his leader nav point to line up a head shot when he comes around the corner.

Game 5: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Ghost Town

Changes for this game:

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Thank you 50% damage

Zolimox (currently in the lead and doing 50% damage) rockets Scooter at point blank range, wounding them both. Scooter then beats down Zolimox.

The good news is, you're not getting lasered.

cazador's rocket kills Scooter just before Zolimox's laser fires.

I see you down there

Zolimox prepares to ambush BOB, but he's been spotted. (I just love the environmental design on Ghost Town!)

Game 6: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Blackout

We kept the same settings as game 5 (random secondary weapon).

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Xor1an tosses a frag grenade across the long middle hallway. It sets off a fusion coil around the corner, killing cenotaph. (I noticed this because at first I couldn't figure out how Xor1an got the kill.)

cazador gets a triple kill. He starts with clean-up, stealing Scooter from Zolimox with a frag grenade and finshing Zolimox off with his assault rifle. He then meeles cenotaph twice to bring it to three.


Zolimox misses cazador as FDrgaon (across the map on the battle rifle tower) shoots Zolimox. cazador is also holding a carbine.

Game 7: Handicap Leader (Slayer) on Blackout

We were almost out of time, so rather than debate game settings we just played the same game again.

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BOB's brute shot adds height and distance to cazador's jump. Unfortunately, it's a long way down.

Bad touch

Xor1an decides he'd better retreat from FDragon by dropping down to the lower level. He meele's as he is dropping down and gets the kill. (Both players involved were a little confused by this. It's interesting that the forward motion of the meele seems to remporarily cacnel the downward motion of the fall.)

The bubble shield does not float

As Xor1an kills cneotaph with a rocket, FDragon throws a frag grenade into the fray. Xor1an hears it and jumps instinctively. The explosion adds height and distance to the jump, sending Xor1an over the edge. (That's two cases like this at the same spot in one game; perhaps something to watch out for.) Realizing he's doomed, Xor1an deploys his bubble shield as he falls.

I'm Xor1an on XBL/
Last modified: Sun May 11 19:23:34 EDT 2008
Lunchtime Halo Highlights was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo 3, (c) Microsoft Corporation.