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00001 // Copyright (C) 2001, Compaq Computer Corporation
00003 // This file is part of Vesta.
00005 // Vesta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00007 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00008 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 // Vesta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
00015 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00016 // License along with Vesta; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00019 // Last modified on Thu Apr 21 09:26:51 EDT 2005 by 
00020 //      modified on Mon Jan  3 22:36:08 EST 2005 by        
00021 //      modified on Thu Aug  8 13:44:11 EDT 2002 by
00022 //      modified on Tue Feb  8 11:32:13 PST 2000 by mann   
00023 //      modified on Wed Feb 21 12:41:35 PST 1996 by heydon 
00024 //      modified on Sat Feb 17 11:28:56 PST 1996 by mcjones
00026 #ifndef _SEQUENCE_H
00027 #define _SEQUENCE_H
00029 /* Sequence is a template class defining extensible sequences,
00030    patterned after the Modula-3 generic Sequence interface.  Elements
00031    can be added or removed at either end of a sequence; they can also
00032    be accessed or updated at specific indexes. The expected cost of
00033    every method of a sequence is constant.
00035    The Sequence class is parameterized by a class "Elem". The implementation
00036    uses the "Elem" assignment operator to add new elements to the sequence, so
00037    you should make sure that an appropriate assignment operator is defined for
00038    your element type.
00040    To instantiate a sequence, you use cxx's "define_template"
00041    pragma. For this to work, you must first include the source file
00042    "Sequence.C", which provides implementations for the generic
00043    sequence methods. However, the "Sequence.C" code must be linked into
00044    your executable exactly once. Therefore, the recommended procedure
00045    is to write an implementation (.C) file of the form:
00047      #include "Sequence.C"
00048      <template-instantiation>
00049      <template-instantiation>
00050      ...
00052    Each <template-instantiation> is a one-line pragma, of the form:
00054      #pragma define_template Sequence<Elem>
00056    where "Elem" is the element type of the instantiated sequence. */
00058 // Forward declaration of STL type.
00059 struct std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
00061 template <class Elem,
00062           bool elem_ptrfree = false>
00063 class Sequence {
00064   public:
00065     Sequence(int sizeHint = 5) throw ();
00066     /* Construct a new, empty sequence.  */
00068     Sequence(const Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>& s) throw ();
00069     /* Construct a copy of "s". */
00071     Sequence(const Elem a[], int n) throw ();
00072     /* Construct a new sequence containing "a[i]" for "i" in the
00073        half-open interval "[0, n)". */
00075     ~Sequence() throw ();
00076     /* Free any memory allocated by this sequence. */
00078     Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>& operator= (const Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>& s)
00079       throw ();
00080     /* Assign to this sequence a copy of "s". */
00082     int size() const throw () { return sz; }
00083     /* Return the number of elements in the sequence. */
00085     void addhi(const Elem &x) throw ();
00086     /* Append "x" to the end of the sequence, without changing the
00087        index of any existing element. */
00089     void addlo(const Elem &x) throw ();
00090     /* Append "x" to the front of the sequence, increasing the index
00091        of all existing elements by one. */
00093     Elem remhi() throw ();
00094     /* Remove and return the last element of the sequence, without
00095        changing the index of any other element.  If the sequence
00096        is empty, "remhi()" causes a checked runtime error. */
00098     Elem remlo() throw ();
00099     /* Remove and return the first element of the sequence,
00100        decreasing the index of all other elements by one.  If the
00101        sequence is empty, "remlo()" causes a checked runtime
00102        error. */
00104     void put(int i, const Elem &x) throw ();
00105     /* Replace element "i" of the sequence with "x".  Element 0 is the
00106        first element. It is a checked runtime error unless "i" is
00107        less than "size()". */
00109     Elem get(int i) const throw ();
00110     /* Return element "i" of the sequence.  It is a checked runtime
00111        error unless "i" is less than "size()". */
00113     Elem &get_ref(int i) throw ();
00114     const Elem &get_ref(int i) const throw ();
00115     /* Return a reference to element "i" of the sequence.  It is a
00116        checked runtime error unless "i" is less than "size()". */
00118     Elem gethi() const throw ();
00119     /* Return the last element of the sequence; equivalent to
00120        "get(size()-1)". */
00122     Elem getlo() const throw ();
00123     /* Return the first element of the sequence; equivalent to
00124        "get(0)". */
00126     Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> cat(const Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> &s)
00127       const throw ();
00128     /* Return a sequence whose elements are the concatenation of
00129        this sequence and "s". */
00131     Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> sub(int start, int length = INT_MAX)
00132       const throw ();
00133     /* Return a sub-sequence of this sequence: empty if "start >= size()"
00134        or "length == 0"; otherwise the subsequence ranging from start
00135        to the minimum of "start + length - 1" and "size() - 1". */
00137     /* Sequences are unmonitored: a client accessing a sequence
00138        from multiple threads must ensure that if two operations
00139        are active concurrently, then neither of them has
00140        side-effects on the sequence. */
00142   // Iterator class making it possible to use a Sequence with the
00143   // Standard Template Library (STL).
00144   class Iterator
00145   {
00146   public:
00147     // These typedefs are required to be an STL iterator.
00148     typedef Elem value_type;
00149     typedef Elem *pointer;
00150     typedef Elem &reference;
00151     typedef unsigned int size_type;
00152     typedef int difference_type;
00153     typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
00155   private:
00156     Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> &seq;
00157     unsigned int index;
00158   public:
00159     Iterator(Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> &s,
00160              unsigned int i) throw()
00161       : seq(s), index(i)
00162       { }
00163     Iterator(const Iterator &other) throw()
00164       : seq(other.seq), index(other.index)
00165       { }
00167     bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const
00168       { return (&seq == &(other.seq)) && (index == other.index); }
00169     bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
00170       { return (&seq != &(other.seq)) || (index != other.index); }
00171     bool operator<(const Iterator& other) const
00172       { return (&seq == &(other.seq)) && (index < other.index); }
00174     difference_type operator-(const Iterator& other) const
00175     {
00176       assert(&seq == &(other.seq));
00177       return index - other.index;
00178     }
00179     Iterator operator-(difference_type d)
00180     {
00181       Iterator r(*this);
00182       r.index -= d;
00183       return r;
00184     }
00185     Iterator operator+(difference_type d)
00186     {
00187       Iterator r(*this);
00188       r.index += d;
00189       return r;
00190     }
00192     Iterator &operator=(const Iterator& other) throw()
00193     {
00194       assert(&seq == &(other.seq));
00195       index = other.index;
00196       return *this;
00197     }
00198     Iterator& operator+=(difference_type d)
00199       { index += d; return *this; }
00200     Iterator& operator-=(difference_type d)
00201       { index -= d; return *this; }
00203     Elem &operator*() const throw()
00204       { return seq.get_ref(index); }
00206     Iterator& operator++() throw()
00207       { index++; return *this; }
00208     Iterator operator++(int)
00209       { Iterator r = *this; ++*this; return r; }
00210     Iterator& operator--() throw()
00211       { index--; return *this; }
00212     Iterator operator--(int)
00213       { Iterator r = *this; --*this; return r; }
00214   };
00216   // Create iterators for the first element and one past the last
00217   // element.
00218   Iterator begin() throw()
00219     { return Iterator(*this, 0); }
00220   Iterator end() throw()
00221     { return Iterator(*this, sz); }
00223   // Note: currently there's no const Iterator, and the above methods
00224   // can't be used on a const Sequence.  The Iterator was added
00225   // primarily to make it possible to use std::sort on a Sequence.
00226   // Some additional work is required to make an iterator that can be
00227   // used on a const Sequence.
00229   private:
00230     int numElem;
00231     Elem* elem;
00232     int sz;
00233     int st;
00235     /* Element i of s is stored in s.elem[( + i) % s.numElem].
00237        A sequence s satisfies the invariant that:
00238          (s.elem != NULL) && ( <= s.numElem)
00239          && ``s.elem contains numElem elements''
00240          && (s.size() == && (s.numElem > 0)
00241          && (0 <= && ( < s.numElem)
00242     */
00244     // static zero element
00245     static Elem elemZero;
00247     void expand() throw ();
00248     /* Double the size of the sequence so it can hold more elements. */
00249 };
00251 // ========== template member definitions ==========
00253 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00254 Elem Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::elemZero;
00256 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00257 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::Sequence(int sizeHint) throw ()
00258 : numElem(max(sizeHint, 1)), sz(0), st(0)
00259 {
00260   elem =(elem_ptrfree 
00261          ? NEW_PTRFREE_ARRAY(Elem, numElem)
00262          : NEW_ARRAY(Elem, numElem)); 
00263 }
00265 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00266 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::Sequence(const Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> &s)
00267   throw ()
00268 : numElem(s.numElem), sz(, st(0)
00269 {
00270   elem =(elem_ptrfree 
00271          ? NEW_PTRFREE_ARRAY(Elem, s.numElem)
00272          : NEW_ARRAY(Elem, s.numElem)); 
00273   for (int i = 0, j =; i < sz; i++, j++) {
00274     if (j == s.numElem) j = 0;
00275     elem[i] = s.elem[j];
00276   }
00277 }
00279 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00280 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::Sequence(const Elem a[], int n) throw ()
00281 : numElem(max(n, 1)), sz(n), st(0)
00282 {
00283   elem =(elem_ptrfree 
00284          ? NEW_PTRFREE_ARRAY(Elem, numElem)
00285          : NEW_ARRAY(Elem, numElem)); 
00286   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
00287         elem[i] = a[i];
00288 }
00290 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00291 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::~Sequence() throw ()
00292 {
00293     delete[] elem; // call elem[i].~Elem() for 0 <= i < numElem
00294 }
00296 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00297 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>& Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::operator= (const Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> &s)
00298   throw ()
00299 {
00300     delete[] elem; // call elem[i].~Elem() for 0<=i<numElem
00301     numElem = s.numElem;
00302     elem =(elem_ptrfree 
00303            ? NEW_PTRFREE_ARRAY(Elem, numElem)
00304            : NEW_ARRAY(Elem, numElem)); 
00305     sz =;
00306     st = 0;
00307     for (int i = 0, j =; i < sz; i++, j++) {
00308         if (j == s.numElem) j = 0;
00309         elem[i] = s.elem[j];
00310     }
00311     return *this;
00312 }
00314 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00315 void Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::expand() throw ()
00316 {
00317   Elem* elemNew =(elem_ptrfree 
00318                   ? NEW_PTRFREE_ARRAY(Elem, 2*numElem)
00319                   : NEW_ARRAY(Elem, 2*numElem)); 
00320     int m = numElem - st;
00321     int i,j;
00322     for (i = 0, j = st; i < m; i++, j++)       elemNew[i] = elem[j];
00323     for (i = m, j = 0 ; i < numElem; i++, j++) elemNew[i] = elem[j];
00325     numElem = 2 * numElem;
00326     delete[] elem; // call elem[i].~Elem() for 0 <= i < numElem
00327     elem = elemNew;
00328     st = 0;
00329 }
00331 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00332 void Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::addhi(const Elem &x) throw ()
00333 {
00334     if (sz == numElem) expand();
00335     int i = st + sz;
00336     if (numElem <= i) i -= numElem;
00337     elem[i] = x;
00338     sz++;
00339 }
00341 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00342 void Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::addlo(const Elem &x) throw ()
00343 {
00344     if (sz == numElem) expand();
00345     int i = st;
00346     if (i == 0) i = numElem;
00347     i--;
00348     elem[i] = x;
00349     st = i;
00350     sz++;
00351 }
00353 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00354 Elem Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::remhi() throw ()
00355 {
00356     assert(0 < sz);
00357     int i = st+sz-1;
00358     if (numElem <= i) i -= numElem;
00359     Elem res(elem[i]);
00360     elem[i] = elemZero;
00361     sz--;
00362     return res;
00363 }
00365 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00366 Elem Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::remlo() throw ()
00367 {
00368     assert(0 < sz);
00369     Elem res(elem[st]);
00370     elem[st] = elemZero;
00371     st++; if (st == numElem) st = 0;
00372     sz--;
00373     return res;
00374 }
00376 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00377 void Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::put(int i, const Elem &x) throw ()
00378 {
00379     assert((0 <= i) && (i < sz));
00380     int j = st + i;
00381     if (numElem <= j) j -= numElem;
00382     elem[j] = x;
00383 }
00385 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00386 Elem Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::get(int i) const throw ()
00387 {
00388     assert((0 <= i) && (i < sz));
00389     int j = st + i;
00390     if (numElem <= j) j -= numElem;
00391     return elem[j];
00392 }
00394 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00395 Elem &Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::get_ref(int i) throw ()
00396 {
00397     assert((0 <= i) && (i < sz));
00398     int j = st + i;
00399     if (numElem <= j) j -= numElem;
00400     return elem[j];
00401 }
00403 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00404 const Elem &Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::get_ref(int i) const throw ()
00405 {
00406     assert((0 <= i) && (i < sz));
00407     int j = st + i;
00408     if (numElem <= j) j -= numElem;
00409     return elem[j];
00410 }
00412 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00413 Elem Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::gethi() const throw ()
00414 {
00415     assert(0 < sz);
00416     int j = st + sz - 1;
00417     if (numElem <= j) j -= numElem;
00418     return elem[j];
00419 }
00421 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00422 Elem Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::getlo() const throw ()
00423 {
00424     assert(0 < sz);
00425     return elem[st];
00426 }
00428 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00429 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::cat(const Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> &s)
00430   const throw ()
00431 {
00432     int i;
00433     Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> u(sz +;
00434 = sz +;
00435     for (i = 0; i < sz;   i++) u.elem[i] = get(i);
00436     for (i = 0; i <; i++) u.elem[sz+i] = s.get(i);
00437     return u;
00438 }
00440 template <class Elem, bool elem_ptrfree>
00441 Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree>::sub(int start,
00442                                                                int length)
00443   const throw ()
00444 {
00445     int n = (sz <= start) ? 0 : min(length, sz - start);
00446     Sequence<Elem, elem_ptrfree> u(n);
00447 = n;
00448     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
00449         u.elem[i] = get(start + i);
00450     return u;
00451 }
00453 #endif // _SEQUENCE_H

Generated on Mon May 8 00:48:29 2006 for Vesta by  doxygen 1.4.2