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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Copyright (C) 2001, Compaq Computer Corporation
00002 // 
00003 // This file is part of Vesta.
00004 // 
00005 // Vesta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00007 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00008 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00009 // 
00010 // Vesta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
00014 // 
00015 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00016 // License along with Vesta; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00019 // File: ToolDirectoryServer.C
00020 // Last modified on Mon May 23 23:26:00 EDT 2005 by         
00021 //      modified on Tue Apr 26 09:46:01 EDT 2005 by 
00022 //      modified on Sat Jun  2 14:21:01 PDT 2001 by mann   
00023 //      modified on Fri Jun  1 12:22:20 PDT 2001 by yuanyu 
00024 //      modified on Mon Apr 21 16:32:23 PDT 1997 by heydon 
00025 //      modified on Fri Mar  1 12:38:47 PST 1996 by levin  
00026 //      modified on Fri Jan 26 19:14:25 PST 1996 by horning
00028 #include <Basics.H>
00029 #include <Atom.H>
00030 #include <SRPC.H>
00031 #include <LimService.H>
00032 #include <VestaConfig.H>
00033 #include "ToolDirectoryServer.H"
00034 #include "EvalBasics.H"
00035 #include "Val.H"
00036 #include "Expr.H"
00037 #include "Evaluator_Dir_SRPC.H"
00039 #include <sstream>
00041 using std::ostringstream;
00042 using std::cin;
00043 using std::cerr;
00044 using std::endl;
00045 using std::flush;
00047 static Basics::mutex TDSMu;
00049 static Text tmpName("tmp");
00051 // size of ToolDirectoryServer thread stacks (in bytes).
00052 const long CallbackStackSize = 0x20000;
00054 // Used to record runtool volatile directories and dependency:
00055 RunToolCalls runToolCalls(maxThreads);
00057 static pthread_once_t init_block = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
00059 // Tool directory server request counter.
00060 static Bit32 toolDirServerReqs = 0UL;
00062 // Tool call counter.
00063 static Bit64 toolCalls = 0UL;
00065 Word GetNewHandle() {
00066   TDSMu.lock();
00067   toolDirServerReqs++;
00068   toolCalls++;
00069   Word newHandle = ((toolCalls<<20) |
00070                     (toolDirServerReqs & 0xFFFFF));
00071   TDSMu.unlock();
00072   return newHandle;
00073 }
00075 Word GetNewHandle(Word handle) {
00076   TDSMu.lock();
00077   toolDirServerReqs++;
00078   Word newHandle = ((handle & CONST_INT_64(0xFFFFFFFFFFF00000)) |
00079                     (toolDirServerReqs & 0xFFFFF));
00080   TDSMu.unlock();
00081   return newHandle;
00082 }
00084 // Marshal/unmarshal directory handles.
00085 void send_dir(SRPC *srpc, Word dirHandle) {
00086   DirInfos *dirInfos;
00087   assert(runToolCalls.Get(WordKey(dirHandle>>20), dirInfos));
00088   srpc->send_bytes((char*)&dirHandle, DIR_HANDLE_BYTES);
00089 }
00091 DirInfo *recv_dir(SRPC *srpc, /*OUT*/ Word& dirHandle, /*OUT*/ DirInfos*& dirInfos) {
00092   int len = DIR_HANDLE_BYTES;
00093   srpc->recv_bytes_here((char*)&dirHandle, len);
00094   if (len != DIR_HANDLE_BYTES) {
00095     throw(SRPC::failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter, "Invalid directory handle"));
00096   }
00097   if (!runToolCalls.Get(WordKey(dirHandle>>20), dirInfos)) {
00098     throw(SRPC::failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter, "No runtool for this directory handle"));
00099   }
00100   DirInfo *dirInfo;
00101   dirInfos->mu.lock();
00102   bool inTbl = dirInfos->dirInfoTbl->Get(WordKey(dirHandle), dirInfo);
00103   dirInfos->mu.unlock();
00104   if (!inTbl) {
00105     throw(SRPC::failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter, "No such directory handle"));
00106   }
00107   return dirInfo;
00108 }
00110 void DirInfos::AddDpnd(DirInfo *dir, const Text& name, Val v, const PathKind pk) {
00111   if (dir->coarseDep) return;
00113   dir->child_lookup = true;
00115   DepPath newDepPath(dir->path.content);
00116   if (pk == BLenPK) {
00117     newDepPath.content->pKind = BLenPK;
00118     v = ((BindingVC*)v)->Names();
00119   }
00120   else {
00121     newDepPath.Extend(name, pk);
00122   }
00123   if (fsDeps) {
00124     outputMu.lock();
00125     cerr << "FS dependency: ";
00126     newDepPath.Print(&cerr);
00127     cerr << "\n";
00128     outputMu.unlock();    
00129   }
00130   DepPathTbl::KVPairPtr pr;
00131   this->mu.lock();
00132   this->dep->Put(newDepPath, v, pr);
00133   this->mu.unlock();
00134   // assert(v->FingerPrint() == pr->val->FingerPrint());
00135 }
00137 Word DirInfos::LookupDir(DirInfo *dir, const Text& name, Val v, Word dirHandle) {
00138   /* Assumption: the repository does not look up the same directory
00139      more than once during a runtool call.  We do not keep a record
00140      of the directories being visited, and create a new dir handle
00141      for every directory lookup request.   */
00142   DepPath newPath(dir->path.content);
00144   newPath.Extend(name);
00145   DirInfo *newDirInfo = NEW(DirInfo);
00146   newDirInfo->b = (BindingVC*)v;
00147   newDirInfo->path = newPath;
00148   newDirInfo->isRoot = false;
00149   newDirInfo->coarseDep = (dir->isRoot && name == tmpName);
00151   newDirInfo->child_lookup = false;
00152   dir->child_lookup = true;
00154   this->mu.lock();
00156   if (newDirInfo->coarseDep) {
00157     // Make it depend on the entire directory content.
00158     DepPath newDepPath(newDirInfo->path.content);
00159     if (fsDeps) {
00160       outputMu.lock();
00161       cerr << "FS dependency: ";
00162       newDepPath.Print(&cerr);
00163       cerr << "\n";
00164       outputMu.unlock();    
00165     }
00166     DepPathTbl::KVPairPtr pr;
00167     this->dep->Put(newDepPath, v, pr);
00168   }
00170   // Get a new handle of this new directory:
00171   Word newDirHandle = GetNewHandle(dirHandle);
00172   this->dirInfoTbl->Put(WordKey(newDirHandle), newDirInfo);
00174   this->mu.unlock();
00176   return newDirHandle;
00177 }
00179 // Server procedure:
00180 void Evaluator_Dir_Server_Inner(SRPC *srpc, int intfVersion, int procId, void *arg)
00181   throw(SRPC::failure, Evaluator::failure)
00182 {
00183   int index;
00184   Val v;
00185   DirInfo *dir;
00186   Word dirHandle;
00187   DirInfos *dirs;
00189   if (intfVersion != EVALUATOR_DIR_SRPC_VERSION) {
00190     srpc->send_failure(SRPC::version_skew, "Unrecognized intfVersion");
00191   }
00193   // Dispatch procedure:
00194   switch(procId) {
00195   case ed_lookup:
00196     {
00197       dir = recv_dir(srpc, dirHandle, dirs);
00198       // recv_chars() allocates the bytes on the heap. So, we do not
00199       // need to copy the bytes for id.
00200       Atom id(srpc->recv_chars(), (void*)1);
00201       srpc->recv_end();
00202       if (evalCalls) {
00203         outputMu.lock();        
00204         cerr << "EvalDir lookup: ";
00205         dir->path.Print(&cerr);
00206         cerr << '/' << id << '\n';
00207         outputMu.unlock();
00208       }
00209       v = dir->b->GetElemNoDpnd(id, index);
00210       if (v->vKind != ErrorVK) {
00211         switch (v->vKind) {
00212         case BindingVK:
00213           srpc->send_int(ed_directory);
00214           srpc->send_int(index);
00215           send_dir(srpc, dirs->LookupDir(dir, id, v, dirHandle));
00216           break;
00217         case TextVK:
00218           dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, v, NormPK);
00219           srpc->send_int(ed_file);
00220           srpc->send_int(index);
00221           srpc->send_int(((TextVC*)v)->Sid());
00222           ((TextVC*)v)->FingerPrint().Send(*srpc);
00223           break;
00224         case ModelVK:
00225           dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, v, NormPK);
00226           srpc->send_int(ed_file);
00227           srpc->send_int(index);
00228           srpc->send_int(((ModelVC*)v)->Sid());
00229           ((ModelVC*)v)->FingerPrintFile().Send(*srpc);
00230           break;
00231         case IntegerVK:
00232           dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, v, NormPK);
00233           srpc->send_int(ed_device);
00234           srpc->send_int(index);
00235           srpc->send_int(((IntegerVC*)v)->num);
00236           break;
00237         default:
00238           throw(SRPC::failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter,
00239                               id + " is not a file or directory"));
00240         }
00241       }
00242       else {
00243         dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, valFalse, BangPK);
00244         srpc->send_int(ed_none);
00245       }
00246       srpc->send_end();
00247       break;
00248     }
00249   case ed_lookup_index:
00250     {
00251       Text id;
00252       dir = recv_dir(srpc, dirHandle, dirs);
00253       index = srpc->recv_int();
00254       srpc->recv_end();
00255       if (evalCalls) {
00256         outputMu.lock();        
00257         cerr << "EvalDir index:  ";
00258         dir->path.Print(&cerr);
00259         cerr << '/' << index << '\n';
00260         outputMu.unlock();              
00261       }
00262       v = dir->b->GetElemNoDpnd(index, id);
00263       if (v->vKind != ErrorVK) {
00264         switch (v->vKind) {
00265         case BindingVK:
00266           srpc->send_int(ed_directory);
00267           srpc->send_chars(id.chars());
00268           send_dir(srpc, dirs->LookupDir(dir, id, v, dirHandle));
00269           break;
00270         case TextVK:
00271           dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, v, NormPK);
00272           srpc->send_int(ed_file);
00273           srpc->send_chars(id.chars());
00274           srpc->send_int(((TextVC*)v)->Sid());
00275           ((TextVC*)v)->FingerPrint().Send(*srpc);
00276           break;
00277         case ModelVK:
00278           dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, v, NormPK);
00279           srpc->send_int(ed_file);
00280           srpc->send_chars(id.chars());
00281           srpc->send_int(((ModelVC*)v)->Sid());
00282           ((ModelVC*)v)->FingerPrintFile().Send(*srpc);
00283           break;
00284         case IntegerVK:
00285           dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, v, NormPK);
00286           srpc->send_int(ed_device);
00287           srpc->send_chars(id.chars());
00288           srpc->send_int(((IntegerVC*)v)->num);
00289           break;
00290         default:
00291           throw(SRPC::failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter,
00292                               id + " is not a file or directory"));
00293         }
00294       }
00295       else {
00296         dirs->AddDpnd(dir, id, valFalse, BangPK);
00297         srpc->send_int(ed_none);
00298       }
00299       srpc->send_end();
00300       break;
00301     }
00302   case ed_oldlist:
00303   case ed_list:
00304     {
00305       Text id;
00306       dir = recv_dir(srpc, dirHandle, dirs);
00307       index = srpc->recv_int();
00308       int limit = srpc->recv_int();
00309       int overhead = srpc->recv_int();
00310       srpc->recv_end();
00311       if (evalCalls) {
00312         outputMu.lock();                
00313         cerr << "EvalDir list:   ";
00314         dir->path.Print(&cerr);
00315         cerr << '/' << index << '\n';
00316         outputMu.unlock();              
00317       }
00318       dirs->AddDpnd(dir, emptyText, dir->b, BLenPK);
00319       srpc->send_seq_start();
00320       while (true) {
00321         v = dir->b->GetElemNoDpnd(index, id);
00322         if (v->vKind == ErrorVK) {
00323           // Send terminating entry.
00324           srpc->send_chars("");
00325           srpc->send_int(ed_none);
00326           if (procId != ed_oldlist) {
00327             srpc->send_int(NullShortId);
00328           }
00329           break;
00330         }
00331         // Directory entry found; check limit
00332         limit -= id.Length()+overhead;
00333         if (limit < 0) break;
00334         // Send this entry
00335         srpc->send_chars(id.chars());
00336         ed_entry_type etype =
00337           (v->vKind == TextVK) ? ed_file :
00338           (v->vKind == BindingVK) ? ed_directory :
00339           (v->vKind == IntegerVK) ? ed_device : ed_none;
00340         if (etype == ed_none) 
00341           throw(SRPC::failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter,
00342                               id + " is not a file or directory"));
00343         srpc->send_int(etype);
00344         if (procId != ed_oldlist) {
00345           if (etype == ed_file) {
00346             srpc->send_int(((TextVC*)v)->Sid());
00347           } else {
00348             srpc->send_int(NullShortId);
00349           }
00350         }
00351         index++;
00352       } // while(true)
00353       srpc->send_seq_end();
00354       srpc->send_end();
00355       break;
00356     }
00357   default:
00358     srpc->send_failure(SRPC::invalid_parameter, "Unrecognized procId");
00359     break;
00360   }  // switch(procId)
00361 }
00363 void Evaluator_Dir_Server(SRPC *srpc, int intfVersion, int procId, void *arg)
00364   throw(SRPC::failure)
00365   /* This is the server for the Evaluator_Dir_SRPC interface. It 
00366      expects to be invoked via the LimService interface, which
00367      establishes the RPC connection with the client. 'arg' is unused. */
00368 {
00369   try {
00370     Evaluator_Dir_Server_Inner(srpc, intfVersion, procId, arg);
00371   }
00372   catch (Evaluator::failure f) {
00373     outputMu.lock();
00374     cerr << "Evaluator failure occured in tool directory lookup.\n";
00375     outputMu.unlock();
00376     exit(1);
00377   }
00378 }
00380 Text convert_failure(const SRPC::failure& f) {
00381   ostringstream s;
00382   s << "SRPC failure in ToolDirServer (";
00383   switch (f.r) {
00384   case SRPC::unknown_host:
00385     s << "unknown_host"; break;
00386   case SRPC::unknown_interface:
00387     s << "unknown_interface"; break;
00388   case SRPC::version_skew:
00389     s << "version_skew"; break;
00390   case SRPC::protocol_violation:
00391     s << "protocol_violation"; break;
00392   case SRPC::buffer_too_small:
00393     s << "buffer_too_small"; break;
00394   case SRPC::transport_failure:
00395     s << "transport_failure"; break;
00396   case SRPC::internal_trouble:
00397     s << "internal_trouble"; break;
00398   case SRPC::invalid_parameter:
00399     s << "invalid_parameter"; break;
00400   case SRPC::partner_went_away:
00401     s << "partner_went_away"; break;
00402   case SRPC::not_implemented:
00403     s << "not_implemented"; break;
00404   default:
00405     s << f.r; break;
00406   }
00407   s << "): " << f.msg.chars();
00408   Text t(s.str());
00409   return t;
00410 }
00412 void Evaluator_Dir_Server_Failure(SRPC *srpc, const SRPC::failure& f,
00413                                   void *arg) {
00414   // called when a failure occurs during server execution
00415   if (f.r == SRPC::partner_went_away) return; // normal occurrence
00416   outputMu.lock();        
00417   cerr << convert_failure(f).chars() << " (continuing...)\n";
00418   outputMu.unlock();
00419 }
00421 extern "C"
00422 {
00423   void init() {
00424     toolCalls = ((Bit64) time(NULL))<<20;
00425     try {
00426       // Get the maximum number of simultaneously serviced callbacks
00427       // from the repository
00428       int max_running = VestaConfig::get_int("Evaluator", "server_max_threads");
00430       // Get or determine the maximum number of incoming callbacks from
00431       // the repository before the evaluator gives a "server busy" error.
00432       Text max_pending_t;
00433       int max_pending;
00434       if(!VestaConfig::get("Evaluator", "server_max_pending", max_pending_t) ||
00435          (max_pending_t == "auto"))
00436         {
00437           // The maximum number of simultaneous requests we expect.
00438           // (Probably [Repository]threads alone is sufficient, but if
00439           // the number of evaluator threads is higher, we'll use that.)
00440           int max_needed = max(maxThreads,
00441                                VestaConfig::get_int("Repository", "threads"));
00443           max_pending = max_needed - max_running;
00444         }
00445       else
00446         {
00447           // If server_max_pending is set and not "auto", it must be an
00448           // integer.
00449           max_pending = VestaConfig::get_int("Evaluator", "server_max_pending");
00450         }
00452       LimService *ls =
00453         NEW_CONSTR(LimService, (max_running, max_pending,
00454                        Evaluator_Dir_Server, Evaluator_Dir_Server_Failure,
00455                        /*arg=*/ NULL, CallbackStackSize));
00456       toolDirServerIntfName = ls->IntfName();
00457       if (getenv("DEBUG_TOOL_DIR_SERVER")) {
00458         outputMu.lock();
00459         cerr << "Tool directory server listening on port "
00460              << toolDirServerIntfName << endl
00461              << "Hit enter to continue: " << flush;
00462         char enter;
00463         cin.get(enter);
00464         outputMu.unlock();
00465       }
00466       (void) ls->Forked_Run();
00467     } catch (VestaConfig::failure f) {
00468       outputMu.lock();    
00469       cerr << endl
00470            << "Configuration error starting tool directory server:" << endl
00471            << f.msg << endl;
00472       exit(1);
00473     } catch (SRPC::failure f) {
00474       outputMu.lock();        
00475       cerr << endl
00476            << "Error starting tool directory server:" << endl
00477            << convert_failure(f) << endl;
00478       outputMu.unlock();
00479       exit(1);
00480     } catch(...) {
00481       outputMu.lock();        
00482       cerr << endl
00483            << "Unexpected exception starting tool directory server!" << endl;
00484       outputMu.unlock();
00485       exit(1);
00486     }
00487   }
00488 }
00490 void create_tool_directory_server() {
00491   pthread_once(&init_block, &init);
00492 }

Generated on Mon May 8 00:48:40 2006 for Vesta by  doxygen 1.4.2