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00001 // Copyright (C) 2001, Compaq Computer Corporation
00002 // 
00003 // This file is part of Vesta.
00004 // 
00005 // Vesta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00006 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00007 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00008 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00009 // 
00010 // Vesta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00011 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00013 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
00014 // 
00015 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00016 // License along with Vesta; if not, write to the Free Software
00017 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00019 //
00020 // VestaLogPrivate.H
00021 //
00022 // Log changes to the repository state
00023 // Portion of VestaLog that is private to the implementation but is
00024 //  needed by the compiler to build clients.
00025 //
00027 #ifndef _VLOGP
00028 #define _VLOGP 1
00030 #include "Basics.H"
00031 #include <netinet/in.h>
00033 static const int DiskBlockSize = 512;
00035 struct VLogBlock {
00036     VLogBlock *next;
00037     int phy;       // "physical" block number (address in file)
00038     int pocketPhy; // reading: phy # of block left in pocket after
00039                    //  this one was sequenced.
00040                    // writing: phy # of unused block in pocket
00041     bool tailCommitted;  // during reading, true if the bytes beyond
00042                             //  len are known to be committed
00043     struct data_block {
00044         // Both seq and len are always in big-endian order.
00045         Bit32 seq_;  // hashed sequence number of this logical block
00046         Bit16 len_;  // (offset to end of last record in this block, or
00047                      //  0 if no record ends in this block) +
00048                      // (2 bit block version number in high-order bits)
00049         char bytes[DiskBlockSize - 6];
00051         inline Bit32 getSeq() throw()
00052           { return ntohl(seq_); };
00053         inline Bit16 getLen() throw()
00054           { return ntohs(len_) & 0x3FFF; };
00055         inline Bit16 getVer() throw()
00056           { return (ntohs(len_) >> 14) & 0x0003; };
00057         inline void setSeq(Bit32 seq) throw()
00058           { seq_ = htonl(seq); };
00059         inline void setLen(Bit16 len) throw()
00060           { len_ = htons(len | (getVer() << 14)); };
00061         inline void setVer(Bit16 ver) throw()
00062           { len_ = htons(getLen() | ((ver & 0x0003) << 14)); };
00063     } *data;
00065   VLogBlock()
00066   {
00067     data = NEW_PTRFREE(data_block);
00068 #if defined(VALGRIND_SUPPORT)
00069     memset((void *) data, 0, sizeof(data_block));
00070 #endif
00071   }
00072   ~VLogBlock()
00073   {
00074     delete data;
00075     data = NULL;  // Help out the garbage collecotr
00076   }
00077 };
00080 struct VestaLogPrivate {
00081     enum State { initial=0, recovering, recovered, ready, logging, bad };
00082     bool checkpointing;
00083     bool readonly;
00084     bool bakckp;     // true if backing up checkpoints
00085     bool hitEOF;     // reading: true if we got an end-of-file
00086     bool usePocket;  // writing: true if we should write to pocket next
00087     bool commUsePocket;  // writing: usePocket after last commit
00088     int nesting;     // if state==logging, how deeply starts are nested.
00089     State state;
00090     char* directory;  // directory containing log and checkpoint files
00091     char* directory2; // dir containing backup of log (and ckp), or NULL
00092     int version;     // log version currently open
00093     int ccVersion;   // highest committed checkpoint
00094     int ccVersion2;  // highest committed checkpoint in backup (if any)
00095     int fd;      // log file descriptor
00096     int fd2;     // log file descriptor for backup, -1 if none
00097     int lockfd;  // lock file descriptor
00098     int lockfd2; // lock file descriptor for backup
00099     int curSeq;  // seq number of first block in cur chain
00100     int curLen;  // offset of next byte in buf->bytes to read or write
00101     int nextSeq; // reading: seq number of next block not yet sequenced
00102     int nextPhy; // reading: phy address of next block not yet read
00103     int commSeq;        // writing: curSeq of last block written to commit
00104     int commPhy;        // writing: cur->phy after last commit
00105     int commPocketPhy;  // writing: cur->pocketPhy after last commit
00106     VLogBlock* cur;  // reading: chain of blocks already read and sequenced
00107                     // writing: buffer for block being assembled
00108     VLogBlock* last; // reading: last block in cur chain, NULL if none
00109     VLogBlock* pocket;   // reading: holds saved out-of-order block
00110     VLogBlock* free;     // free list
00112     inline VLogBlock* balloc() throw() {
00113         if (free) {
00114             VLogBlock* b = free;
00115             free = free->next;
00116             b->next = NULL;  // just to be cautious
00117             return b;
00118         } else {
00119           return NEW(VLogBlock);
00120         }
00121     };
00122     inline void bfree(VLogBlock *b) throw() {
00123         b->next = free;
00124         free = b;
00125     };
00126     void extendCur()         // extend the cur chain by one block
00127       throw(VestaLog::Eof, VestaLog::Error);
00128     void makeBytesAvail()    // ensure bytes to read in cur
00129       throw(VestaLog::Eof, VestaLog::Error);
00130     void writeCur()          // write out cur block
00131       throw(VestaLog::Error);
00132     void makeSpaceAvail()    // write full cur block and empty cur
00133       throw(VestaLog::Error);
00134     void eraseUncommitted(int fd)  // write invalid data to unused blocks
00135       throw(VestaLog::Error);
00136     VLogBlock* readBlock()   // read next block, return NULL if EOF
00137       throw(VestaLog::Error);
00138 };
00140 #endif //_VLOGP

Generated on Mon May 8 00:48:42 2006 for Vesta by  doxygen 1.4.2