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SRPC Member List

This is the complete list of members for SRPC, including all inherited members.

alive(SRPC::failure *f=NULL)SRPC
any enum valueSRPC
await_call(int &proc_id, int &intf_version)SRPC
buffer_too_small enum valueSRPC
callee enum valueSRPC
caller enum valueSRPC
convert_TCP_failure(TCP_sock::failure tf)SRPC [static]
default_intf_version enum valueSRPC
default_proc_id enum valueSRPC
enable_read_timeout(unsigned int seconds, bool use_between_calls=false)SRPC
get_read_timeout(unsigned int &seconds, bool &use_between_calls)SRPC [inline]
init()SRPC [private, static]
init_blockSRPC [private, static]
internal_trouble enum valueSRPC
invalid_parameter enum valueSRPC
not_implemented enum valueSRPC
operator=(SRPC &)SRPC [private]
pSRPC [private]
partner_went_away enum valueSRPC
previous_failure(SRPC::failure *f=NULL)SRPC
protocol_violation enum valueSRPC
read_timeout enum valueSRPC
recv_bool(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_bytes(int &len, bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_bytes_here(char *buffer, int &len, bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_bytes_seq(bytes_seq &bs)SRPC
recv_chars(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_chars(char *buff, int buff_len, bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_chars_here(char *buffer, int &len, bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_chars_seq(chars_seq &cs)SRPC
recv_float(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC [inline]
recv_int(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC [inline]
recv_int16(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_int16_array(int &len)SRPC
recv_int32(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_int32_array(int &len)SRPC
recv_int64(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_int64_array(int &len)SRPC
recv_int_seq(int_seq &is)SRPC
recv_seq_start(int *len=NULL, int *bytes=NULL)SRPC
recv_short(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC [inline]
recv_short_array(int &len)SRPC [inline]
recv_socket(bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
recv_Text(Text &t, bool *got_end=NULL)SRPC
send_bool(bool b)SRPC
send_bytes(const char *buffer, int len)SRPC
send_bytes_seq(bytes_seq &bs)SRPC
send_chars(const char *s)SRPC
send_chars_seq(chars_seq &cs)SRPC
send_failure(int r, const Text &msg, bool remote_only=false)SRPC
send_float(float f)SRPC [inline]
send_int(int i)SRPC [inline]
send_int16(Basics::int16 i)SRPC
send_int16_array(const Basics::int16 *seq, int len)SRPC
send_int32(int i)SRPC
send_int32_array(const Basics::int32 *seq, int len)SRPC
send_int64(Basics::int64 i)SRPC
send_int64_array(const Basics::int64 *seq, int len)SRPC
send_int_seq(int_seq &is)SRPC
send_seq_start(int len=any, int bytes=any)SRPC
send_short(Basics::int16 i)SRPC [inline]
send_short_array(const Basics::int16 *seq, int len)SRPC [inline]
send_socket(sockaddr_in &sock)SRPC
send_Text(const Text &t)SRPC
split_name(const Text &host_and_port, Text &host, Text &port)SRPC [static]
SRPC(which_end me, TCP_sock *sock)SRPC
SRPC(SRPC &)SRPC [private]
SRPC_impl classSRPC [friend]
start_call(int proc_id=default_proc_id, int intf_version=default_intf_version)SRPC
this_host()SRPC [static]
transport_failure enum valueSRPC
unknown_host enum valueSRPC
unknown_interface enum valueSRPC
version_skew enum valueSRPC
which_end enum nameSRPC

Generated on Mon May 8 00:49:14 2006 for Vesta by  doxygen 1.4.2