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VMemPool Member List

This is the complete list of members for VMemPool, including all inherited members.

alignmentMaskVMemPool [static]
allocate(typeCode type, Bit32 size)VMemPool [static]
baseVMemPool [protected, static]
free(void *addr, Bit32 size, typeCode type=unspecified)VMemPool [static]
freeBlock enum valueVMemPool
freeByte enum valueVMemPool
gc(ShortIdsFile keepDerivedSid)VMemPool [static]
grow(Bit32 growBy)VMemPool [private, static]
init()VMemPool [protected, static]
lengthenPointer(Bit32 spointer)VMemPool [inline, static]
markCallback typedefVMemPool
maxTypeCodes enum valueVMemPool
minGrowByVMemPool [private, static]
readCheckpoint(std::fstream &ckpt, bool readVolatile)VMemPool [static]
rebuildCallback typedefVMemPool
rebuildDirShortIdTable()VMemPool [private, static]
registerCallbacks(typeCode type, markCallback markcb, void *markcl, sweepCallback sweepcb, void *sweepcl, rebuildCallback rebuildcb, void *rebuildcl)VMemPool [static]
shortenPointer(const void *pointer)VMemPool [inline, static]
sweepCallback typedefVMemPool
totalSizeVMemPool [private, static]
type(void *addr)VMemPool [static]
typeCode enum nameVMemPool
unspecified enum valueVMemPool
vAttrib enum valueVMemPool
vDirAppendable enum valueVMemPool
vDirChangeable enum valueVMemPool
vDirEvaluator enum valueVMemPool
vDirImmutable enum valueVMemPool
vForward enum valueVMemPool
VMemPool_init()VMemPool [friend]
writeCheckpoint(std::fstream &ckpt)VMemPool [static]

Generated on Mon May 8 00:49:17 2006 for Vesta by  doxygen 1.4.2